An abundance
of blessings.

Eastern Washington

Has been blessed with an abundance of natural resources. Not the least of which is our People. From all walks of life, from the Canadian border to Oregon, the People of Washington State’s most eastern congressional district deserve a champion who will protect and preserve our way of life.

In no particular order, the following are among my priorities and positions which I will stand by. Please check back often.

At our borders, in our skies, and on our streets …

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

From human trafficking to new waves of illicit drugs, cyber threats and aggressive panhandling, it is time to refocus policies that spend billions understanding the problems and start solving the problems.

Border Security. The Biden border policy has allowed more than six million illegal crossings. I will support those who stand and serve on our southern border as well as those at the northernmost communities of Washington State. The Wall is not isolationism. It is a necessary tool to help protect the process of legal immigration. Some of my dearest friends are recent immigrants. Their pride in America runs deep. And they are here legally.

Fairchild AFB. Thousands of active duty and civilians are employed through our base, which is one of our region’s most critical economic engines. Members of all branches of our armed forces fight for our freedom and complete humanitarian missions across the globe. Ensuring that Fairchild is strong has and must continue to be a top priority of our WA 5th district congressional member.

Veterans. Those who have sacrificed so much can never be fully paid for their service. I am dedicated to working to ensure that services to veterans includes the best healthcare available, including mental health. Our Veterans Administration (VA) must be held accountable. My family, as so many families in the Pacific Northwest and across our nation, includes those who have served in times of crisis and calm. I believe that it is critical increase services to help veterans as they transition to civilian life. Initiatives like “Helmets to Hardhats” are helping our heroes navigate their way every day.

Local Law Enforcement. I have tremendous respect for our police and sheriff’s departments. Recent actions by activist courts and Democrat lawmakers have handcuffed those who answer the call to protect and serve. This is wrong-minded.

In service through Spokane’s City Council I have successfully helped pass new drug laws to reduce the use and possession of drugs in public, and reinstate penalties for trespassing in parks at night.

In previous campaigns, I have been endorsed by the Spokane Police Guild, Sheriff’s and Police Chiefs.

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Energy History, Choice, Innovation & Independence

Eastern Washington was forever changed for the better when we harnessed the power of our majestic river systems. In his book, “Where Water Falls” Eastern Washington statesman (U.S. Congressman 1915-1919 & U.S. Senator 1923-1935) Clarence Dill describes the political willpower and strategies employed to fight in congress for the robust agriculture and electric advantages that we enjoy today.

Protecting Hydropower. Here in Eastern Washington, we enjoy some of the most reliable and affordable electric rates in America. And yet, activists continue, year-after-year, to lobby congress and file suits in our courts to remove Snake River Dams. I am opposed to dam removal. I authored a resolution that Spokane City Council join in this position. I am in good bipartisan company in my position, standing with workers, employers, public utilities, and communities throughout our region.

Natural Gas Choice. Just like the attacks on hydropower, activists are intent on eliminating our ability to choose natural gas to heat our homes and prepare our meals. They have gone so far as to force their agenda on the victims of our recent devastating wildfires. I believe that natural gas should be among consumer choices. Federal courts agree with me. Our electric grid is already stressed and in need of immediate attention. Now is not the time to offline natural gas when it is an essential part of our regional energy mix. The consequences of such a market disruption would be catastrophic.

Energy Innovation. Right here in our region, the world’s clean energy future is being developed today. Companies like CarbonQuest (Spokane Valley based) have gone to market, capturing carbon! Schweitzer Engineering Labratories (Pullman based) has been making our global electric grids, more efficient, safe and environmentally responsible for decades. Exciting advancements are being made in hydrogen, biofuels, waste-to-energy, storage, and so many other areas that prove that a singular-focus (electricity only) approach is a rejection of today’s true science.

Economy: Regional & Global

Agriculture is our region’s premier business. Washington farms produce food and other products that are consumed and utilized throughout the world. Further, food security is inextricably tied to national security. From the family farm to international agribusiness, we are threatened by market attacks from Russia, China and others that aim to disrupt and dismantle our supply chains. This is unacceptable, and I will continue the fight to protect our farmers and ranchers. My commitment includes crop protection and an other strategies that guard against natural and other threats.

Education is a powerful economic instrument. From our world-renowned universities, apprenticeship programs to our Pre-K classrooms, one of our biggest selling points in attracting businesses to Eastern Washington is our strong public and private education systems. Schools are among our top employers themselves.

The cost of higher education continues to rise. The solution is not the unilateral “magic-wand” waiving of student loans as some politicians have promised.

Questions and concerns remain involving a worrisome trend that involves the straying away from core curricula in favor of social agendas.

Apprenticeships. The “Learn While You Earn” model of training builds the American middle class and ensures that our workforce is the most productive and highly-skilled workforce in the world. I support the expansion of apprenticeships as they allow employers and employees to continue to grow our economy.

China and other nations continue to employ longstanding market tactics of “dumping” products into the American and world marketplace. As an example, China commits human rights atrocities in labor camps as they utilize dirty fuel sources to dominate the global solar panel markets. “Made in America” is my mantra as I endeavor to serve you.

Small Business is the backbone of the American economy. My wife and I have owned and operated a small business in Eastern Washington for fifteen years. Government overreach significantly disrupted our livelihood during the pandemic. The government was slow to reopen and favored certain segments of our economy. Fraudulent payments were made with our taxpayer funds and these must be recovered and perpetrators, including the government officials who turned a blind eye must be made to pay restitution.

Small businesses ARE ESSENTIAL and my mission is to make Congress understand this.

“God’s Country” Our Environment

Hunting, fishing, hiking, skiing, photography, bird-watching … pretty much anything that a person can enjoy in the great outdoors is just a short ride away from anywhere in Eastern Washington! Not only for us residents, but we also host a thriving outdoors tourism economy, without which many of our small towns and businesses would close.

Conservation is Key. Theodore Roosevelt, celebrated outdoorsman and conservationist said, “Of all the questions which can come before this nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great war, there is none which compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us.”

I am committed to protecting and preserving the diverse and unique natural resources that define our region. Our farmers, ranchers and timber manufacturers are among the original conservationists. They, like we, understand that our natural resources must be sustainable.

Forest Management. Public-private partnerships involving federal forest lands, based on best-practices, need to prevail if we are to manage the future of our forests and timber-dependent communities. The timber economy is not the enemy of our forests. Quite the opposite. I will work to maximize the immense carbon-capturing contribution of our forests through responsible policies that vastly reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires.

Environmental Extremism. Make no mistake that an entire industry is formed by single-interest alarmists who have claimed for decades that “they sky is falling” while they make millions as lobbyists, fuel their international travel and create laws that favor their own industrial interests.